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Welcome to tidycoRe!

A formatting package to create standardized CorEvitas R query projects, tables, and reports.

Get started

To get started, let’s load the package into our working session:

If you have not downloaded it yet from our private github repo, please see the Readme on the package home page.

Create standard-format summary tables

tidycoRe comes equipped with functions to format arsenal summary tableby objects and regular dataframes into the standardized CorEvitas style flextable objects for word, html, and pdf documents.

Tableby objects are an important part of tidycoRe and additional documentation can be found here:

The formatted tableby object

The format_tableby function converts tableby objects into data frames. The format_tableby_flextable function styles data frames created by format_tableby into summary flextables that can exported via RMarkdown or Quarto into html, pdf, docx, pptx, etc, documents.

Features include:

  • rounding numeric values to 1 significant digit
  • condensing rows where numeric variables are summarized by N (if specified (one of the most important benefits)
  • summarizing categorical variables using their specified summary statistics in the tableby command
  • if specified, borders are applied

First we will create the tableby object.

demo_tableby <- arsenal::tableby(
  female ~
    age +
    white +
    hispanic +
    insurance_private +
    insurance_medicare +
    insurance_medicaid +
  cat.stats = c("countpct"),
  numeric.stats = c("meansd"),
  test = TRUE,
  data = demo_data

Which looks like this unformatted:

demo_tableby %>% 
Male (N=110) Female (N=90) Total (N=200) p value
Age (years) 0.721
   Mean (SD) 51.236 (12.971) 50.556 (13.869) 50.930 (13.353)
White 0.064
   Other race 29 (26.4%) 14 (15.6%) 43 (21.5%)
   White 81 (73.6%) 76 (84.4%) 157 (78.5%)
Hispanic Ethnicity 0.300
   No 106 (97.2%) 83 (94.3%) 189 (95.9%)
   Yes 3 (2.8%) 5 (5.7%) 8 (4.1%)
Private Insurance 0.874
   Not reported 23 (20.9%) 18 (20.0%) 41 (20.5%)
   Yes 87 (79.1%) 72 (80.0%) 159 (79.5%)
Medicare Insurance 0.767
   Not reported 91 (82.7%) 73 (81.1%) 164 (82.0%)
   Yes 19 (17.3%) 17 (18.9%) 36 (18.0%)
Medicaid Insurance 0.917
   Not reported 101 (91.8%) 83 (92.2%) 184 (92.0%)
   Yes 9 (8.2%) 7 (7.8%) 16 (8.0%)
No Insurance 0.839
   Not reported 108 (98.2%) 88 (97.8%) 196 (98.0%)
   Yes 2 (1.8%) 2 (2.2%) 4 (2.0%)

Versus using format_tableby() below:

  tableby_data = demo_tableby,
  condense = TRUE
) %>% 

Important notes about condense = TRUE

  • If more than one summary statistic is specified for categorical data, the rows will not be condensed for categorical data

  • The variable rows will only be condensed if it has a ‘Yes’ value and the one other value is: ‘No’, ‘Not reported’, ‘Unknown’, ‘Unk’. The variable must only have two levels where Yes is one of the levels and the other is from the list previously mentioned.

  • Numeric summary statistics will pull the first numeric statistic and place it on the variable row

The formatted dataframe

This function styles dataframes into flextables applicable for html, pdf, or word documents.

Features include:

  • if specified, borders are applied
  data = tidycoRe::demo_data %>%
      insurance_none) %>% 
  borders = TRUE

Tips on formatting flextables

In general, other than headers and footers, there is no easy way to add additional rows to a flextable object or flextables together. This needs to be done when the objects are still data frames, i.e., before using ‘format_basictable()’, or after ‘format_tableby()’ and before ‘format_tableby_flextable()’.

You can pull a dataframe object out of a flextable using the following code:


to extract and manipulate before reapplying the flextable formatting with the above tidycoRe functions.