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The following vignette will describe how to update the tidycoRe package and the corresponding website.

tidycoRe employs a multiple-branching strategy, and uses the devtools, pkgdown, and usethis packages in conjunction with GitHub Actions to automate package documentation.

Branching strategy

tidycoRe has 2 branches for the current version of the package, and additional branches for features in development.

  • main
    • The primary branch for the package. This branch is locked and commits cannot be directly pushed.
  • staging
    • The branch to be merged into main via pull request when a group of changes is ready to be updated.
  • dev
    • New branches for development of additional features. These should be pull requested into the staging branch when ready.

Example steps to update

  1. Create a new dev branch
  2. Make updates, commit and push to new dev branch
  3. Submit a pull request to pull into staging branch
  4. Codeowner reviews and accepts PR, merges into staging branch
  5. When the package is ready to be updated:
    • Update the documentation on staging branch (see below), commit and push
    • Submit PR to merge staging into main
    • Codeowner approves PR
    • PR into main branch will trigger GitHub Actions to automatically update wiki site

To update the documentation on the staging branch:

usethis::use_version("patch") # To increment the version number major.minor.patch
devtools::document() # Updates the documentation

pkgdown::clean_site() # Cleans the site docs
pkgdown::build_site() # Re-builds the site docs